sábado, 24 de março de 2012

Mapa Eronev Mansion Adventure v1.84

 Eronev Mansion Adventure v1.84  

This is the Eronev Mansion Adventure. A tale of a village and the secrets that lie within.
Creator's Notes:
The Story:
After your adventure into the wild you return to your home town of Eronev. From the beginning though something seems wrong. There is a meeting being held at the town hall due to the villagers going missing. Can you help them?
General Rules and Information:
- Best played with monsters ON.
- Don't destroy any block unless told otherwise.
- Follow instructions on the signs.
- Throughout the adventure there will be lots of signs floating around, they do not have a function. Just throw them away.
Redstone Rules:
- Redstone dust can be placed on Red Wool
- Levers and buttons can be placed on the sides of redstone ore blocks.
- Pressure plates can be placed on the top of redstone ore blocks.
- Only Buttons are allowed to be removed and reused.
This is my first BIG adventure map. It took a super long time to make and has tonnes of cool features. Please give me as much feedback as you can so when I begin my next one it can be even better. I really hope you enjoy it.
Eronev Mansion Feature List:
- Multiple Endings (These aren't your parents lame ending sequences)
- Dynamic Story Telling (NPC's change what they say depending what you do)
- Interactive Scoring System (Gold bars? check. This adventure also counts the number of quests you complete)
- Innovative Puzzle Design (Ever tried to complete a musical combination lock on a time limit?)
- Big world to explore (Go crazy and walk around! There are borders, so don't worry about "Escaping" the level!)
- Upgrade System (Over time you'll be able to do more!)
- Good Sized Adventure (Takes 1-3 hours to complete!)
- Fully 1.8 compatible (Sprint till your hearts content.)
Map Trailer:

Map Details
 Minecraft Version:1.0
 Size:17.99 MB
 Map Author:Bielzeras 

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